Association of Former United Nations Personnel in and of India

AFUNPI, a non-profit making body in India was founded on 03 May 1975 by six staff members retired from the United Nations or its Specialised Agencies. In the following years, the scope was broadened to include in its roll, staff members still in service as Associate Members and former personnel from all other international inter-governmental organisations as members. Spouses are encouraged to become members after the demise of primary retirees.

AFUNPI is the fifth (besides the four associations from Geneva, New York, Rome and Paris among the 64 (as of 2023) associations of Former International Civil Servants in the world, affiliated to FAFICS (Federation of Associations of Former International Civil Servants) based in Geneva, Switzerland. It is through this Federation, the members of AFUNPI and the other 64 association members are represented at the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board that analyses, oversees and reviews all the aspects of the functioning of the UN pension system and propose any recommendations to the UN General Assembly.

Aims and Objectives

  • Study, suggest and take appropriate measures to promote and protect the rights and interests of former civil servants of all the international inter-governmental organizations of the United Nations System and their spouses.
  • Promote cordial and social relations among its members and endeavour to contribute to social and economic development of under privileged sections of the community
  • Provide assistance and service to former and active international civil servants and their spouses.

Major Activities

  • Assist members and their spouses in all matters related to pension and after service health insurance.
  • Establish working relationship with relevant UN agencies such as UNJSPF, other UN retiree associations as well as the Federation of Associations of International Civil Servants (FAFICS) to further the interests and benefits of the Association and its members.
  • Appraise members with latest developments and information concerning pension and health insurance by organising periodic meetings and using modern communication technologies.
  • Facilitate and support networking of retirees in a given geographical area to exchange information, share experiences and help each other.

AFUNPI’s efforts have benefited members, inter alia, in obtaining timely pension for retirees and beneficiaries, advisory services on medical insurance as well as exemption of income tax on pension in the same spirit and applicability as on salaries.


Download Application Form for AFUNPI Membership

AFUNPI functions with volunteers on honorary basis elected from its members at the Annual General Body meetings.

afunpi - AFUNPI 48th Annual General Body Meeting 12-13 February 2023 Century Club, Bangalore - AFUNPI
Annual General Body Meeting held on 12-13 February 2023 in the Century Club, Bangalore
AFUNPI-New Delhi meeting held at UNDP on 07 November 2022
Pre-retirement Seminar held at UNDP, New Delhi on 04 November 2022

AFUNPI - Welcomes

Membership is open to former staff members of the organizations of the United Nations system or their surviving spouses. Those still in the international civil service can also become as associate member and shall have the same rights, obligations and privileges as members. The associate member will become a member upon retirement from the international civil service. Members can avail services and assistance of AFUNPI by paying a nominal enrolment fee of Rs.3,000 or US$50 without any additional subscription or charges. Download Application Form for AFUNPI Membership. By 01-January-2023, AFUNPI had a total of 360 members and continues to serve them.

Federation of Associations of Former International Civil Servants (FAFICS) brings together Associations of retired International Civil Servants from the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies formed in countries around the world.
The governing body of the Federation is the FAFICS Council. AFUNPI has been participating in the annual FAFICS Council meeting since it became a member of FAFICS in 1975.

AFUNPI functions with volunteers on honorary basis elected from its members at the Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) held in major cities of India and in alternate years at Bangalore, India. Some of the cities where AGM was held include Chennai, Panaji, Hyderabad, Kochi, New Delhi. The 48th AGM was held in February 2023 in Bangalore. Participants included members coming from Vienna, Austria; Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Kolkata, New Delhi, Telangana and other places. In addition to reporting annual activities of AFUNPI, its budget and other aspects, participants were briefed about the major discussions held at the annual FAFICS meeting. The AGM was also briefed about the performance of the pension fund investments and about the progress in speeding up benefit payments based on the presentations made by Mr. Pedro Guazo and Ms. Rosemarie Mclean, Chief Executive of Pension Administration respectively at the FAFICS meeting.


afunpi - AFUNPI - Assn of Former United Nations Personnel in and of India

AFUNPI organizes and conducts pre-retirement orientation seminars for UN Staff in India for staff members planning to retire within next two years.

Recently, AFUNPI conducted a Pre-retirement seminar on 4th November 2022 at UNDP Conference Hall, New Delhi, India. A total of 30 participants from different UN agencies attended the seminar. The participants also included few staff from the Human Resources Division. The event was inaugurated by Mr Shombi Sharp, the UN Resident Coordinator who gave opening remarks. During the opening a video message from Mr Jerry Barton, President of FAFICS was screened and was highly appreciated. The seminar was facilitated by Dr. M. Seenappa, President introducing the UN Pension system, pension estimation and about the Two-track option. Mr N. Srinivasan, Vice President facilitated the separation process and the health insurance claims after retirement. Mr V. Emanvel explained the importance of the Certificate of Entitlement in the context of the newly introduced Digital Certificate. Ms M. Chand, Hon. Secretary introduced AFUNPI, its achievements and about advantages of becoming a member of AFUNPI.