53rd FAFICS Council Meeting held in Vienna, Austria in July 2023

afunpi - 53rd FAFICS Council Meeting held in Geneva in July 2023 - AFUNPI
afunpi - 53rd FAFICS Council Meeting held in Geneva in July 2023 - AFUNPI
Group photo of FAFICS delegates attending the 53rd Council Hybrid-Meeting held from 17-20 July 2023 held in Vienna, Austria. Dr. Marshetty Seenappa, AFUNPI participated in the meeting.
afunpi - 53rd FAFICS Council Meeting held in Geneva in July 2023 - AFUNPI
Virtual participation of Mr. N. Srinivasan, AFUNPI at the 53rd FAFICS hybrid-meeting of the Council held from 17-20 July 2023 in Vienna, Austria

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