AFUNPI 44th Annual General Body Meeting 11 February 2019 Bangalore Golf Club, Bangalore


According to the AFUNPI statutes, a Member is proposed to preside and conduct the AGM.  However, this year unusually two propositions came from the floor.   As an exception, both were nominated to jointly preside over the Session.  Mr. B. G. Fernandes and Dr A.D. Monteiro (mentioned here in alphabetical order) gracefully accepted the nominations to preside over the session. 

AFICS Council July 2018:  Dr. Seenappa, President of the AFUNPI presented the Annual Report for 2018.  He highlighted the active participation of AFUNPI in FAFICS in Rome  and his own participation in UN Pension Board. 

Member Services:   The president of AFUNPI further pointed out that with the improvement of communication with UNJSPF the number of AFUNPI Members seeking intervention had reduced. Yet the AFUNPI followed 18 cases to resolve the delays in pension payment and restoring disability benefits.

The U.N. Pension Board, July 2018, Rome:   Dr. Seenappa also highlighted the important features of the Pension Fund investment and performance. Noted that the market value of the Fund stood at 65.6 billion US dollars.  He stated that the Pension Board commended the remarkable efforts of AFUNPI in coordinating and assisting the affected retiree families during the Chennai Flooding. Dr. Seenappa also stated that a new CEO has been appointed for UNJSPF.  The meeting took note of the participation of AFUNPI Executive Members in FAFICS and UNJSPF Annual meetings and appreciated their effective role in protecting the interest of UN Pensioners.

Review of Income and Expenditure and expenditure statement 2018:  the income and expenditure statement 2018 was circulated and in particular the voluntary contributions of AFUNPI were appreciated.    The AGM accepted the financial statement.   

Presentation of Planned activities and budget required for 2019:    The AGM took note of the planned activities and budget requirement and accepted the Budget. In this connection the AGM noted with appreciation the stable financial position and generous voluntary contributions. Clarification was sought about the need for having AFUNPI accounts in four Banks.  After

clarification from Mr. Janakiram, it was decided to continue the present practice of maintaining the accounts in four banks. 

Discussion on Pension matters, queries etc.:   The AGM noted with appreciation the briefing of what transpired in FAFICS and UNJSPF.    The AGM was appreciative of the presence of Mr. Jayaraman and Mrs Vidya Jayaraman from FAFICS Geneva and his explanation of its functions and important features of the Council’s activities. 

Discussion on Innovation of AFUNPI’s activities relevant to its Members:

The AGM heard with interest various suggestions and in particular the suggestion to open in Face Book a dedicated “AFUNPI Family” to exchange and  share topics of interest to AFUNPI  Members.  Further action will be initiated by nominating an Administrator to launch this group in Face Book. 

Venue and Date of the 45th AGM to be held in February 2020:    When this item came up for discussion some members suggested Chennai as the venue for the February 2020 AGM meeting.  However, the majority of members felt that we should stick to the decision taken at the 43rd AGM held in Secunderabad to have the next AGM at Goa.  The Meeting agreed that Goa as a venue may be explored and if not possible, then Chennai might be asked to host the AGM.   

Concluding Address of the President of the AGM:  Both Mr. Fernandes and Dr. Monteiro who conducted the Meeting as Presidents of the AGM noted with great satisfaction the useful work of the AFUNPI in serving its members.  As senior Members of AFUNPI they were very happy to see the steady increase in the membership of the Association and the pro-active initiatives of AFUNPI. They both wished the AFUNPI Executive their best wishes to continue the excellent work AFUNPI was rendering to the benefit of its Members.

At the end of the meeting Mr. Natarajan stated that the ILO was celebrating the existence of its 100 years.  He then read out a statement which he urged to send it to the ILO Headquarters.

The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to the Presidents of the AGM, and to all participants and spouses.

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