AFUNPI 46th Annual General Body Meeing 22 February 2021 Virtual Meeting


The Presiding Officer: The meeting was conducted virtually by the Presiding Officer Dr. J. Gururaja who was unanimously nominated by the Executive Committee and seconded by AGM attendees by acclamation. The participating members included a good representation from Bangalore, New Delhi, Chennai, Kochi, Coimbatore, Goa, Mumbai, and London. While opening the 46th AGM Dr Gururaja reminded that UN had completed 75 years and recalled some of the challenges UN had to face in the past such as global unrest, vaccine saga, violence, man-made and natural calamities and perpetual peace-keeping challenges across the globe.  Dr Gururaja also called upon the UN retirees to engage themselves with development partners and contribute. 

Mr Gerson Da Cunha, Special Guest:  Mr Da Cunha delivered an enthralling talk recalling the milestones of his success as a Senior Communications Advisor with UNICEF. His corporate experience in India, and skills as well as knowledge had greatly enabled him to help UNICEF and Brazil achieve a global flagship crown in popularising breast feeding six months non-stop among seven million lactating mothers. He also reiterated the importance of breast feeding in child nutrition, well-being and development.  The Brazilian Government rightfully honoured Mr Da Cunha.

AFUNPI Annual report 2020: As the annual report had already been distributed, Dr Seenappa, President of AFUNPI recalled the following issues from the report.

                  The 67th Pension Board: Dr Seenappa informed that he participated in the 67th UN Pension Board(PB) as a FAFICS Representative in the Budget Working Group as well as in the Fund Solvency and Liability Monitoring Committee. The PB had met for two days virtually starting 15 July 2020. As was highlighted by Mr Pedro Guazo, the RSG designate, the Fund was doing well despite the COVID 19 affected markets and reported that as of 4th December 2020 the market value of the Fund was 79.44 Billion US Dollars.

                 Pension Administration: Ms Rosemary McClean Chief Executive of Pension Administration had revealed to the PB about the successful testing of ‘digital certificate of entitlement that would come into effect from 2021 along with the retention of the existing physical format for the transition period. Ms McClean further reported to the PB that the processing of new cases had improved further and that more than 75 per cent of these cases were now being processed within 15 business days.

                 The Governance Working Group: reported progress of its review on the size and composition of the PB. The Board also reviewed the consultancy report on governance prepared by MOSAIC consultants. The MOSAIC report has suggested a possible reduction in the FAFICS delegation to the PB

Monthly meetings of AFUNPI: Despite the COVID 19 lockdown and restrictions on transport and public gatherings, AFUNPI managed to hold virtual monthly meetings.  Some of the key lectures arranged virtually included ‘the ECD and learning in Government schools’ by Dr Janardhan Nadadur, ‘Living in the United Kingdom at COVID 19 times’ by Mrs Vasanta Rao, ’Psychological counselling during the COVID 19’ by Dr Sreenivasa Murthy and ‘Health security in the time of COVID 19” by Dr. Soundararajan Gopalan.  An update on the progress of vaccine for COVID 19 was provided by Dr. Seenappa.  The UN Day was observed at a special virtual meeting held on 24th October.  On this occasion a discussion on “75 Years of UN” was facilitated by Dr. Sreelakshmi Gururaja and Mr Janakiram.  The monthly virtual meetings to continue with improved participation of members from New Delhi, Chennai, Secunderabad, Pune, Mumbai, Goa, Coimbatore, Kochi and Bangalore.

49th FAFICS Virtual Council 7-9 December 2020: On being proposed by Mr Marco Breschi, the President of FAFICS, the Council unanimously elected Dr. Seenappa, President AFUNPI  as the presiding officer for the three day virtual council. Mr.  Srinivasan, Vice President and Ms Magdalene Chand Hon. Secretary actively participated on all the three days and represented AFUNPI 

Member Services: AFUNPI membership remained 398 by end December 2020.  There were nine bereavements and three new members joined. During the year AFUNPI continued to assist members who were affected due to delays in getting pension, missing CE forms, survivors and child benefit and guidance to the double track option.

Member recognition: Mr Prasada Rao reflected 20 years of global response to HIV/AIDS in his book ‘Celebrating small victories’. The book was web launched jointly by Dr Peter Piot Former Executive Director of UNAIDS, Dr C. Rangarajan former Governor of the Reserve Bank of India and Dr Tom Frieden former Director of CDC, Atlanta. 

The Digital Certificate of Entitlement (DCE): UNJSPF rolled out DCE in January 2021 on a pilot basis. Few members of AFUNPI participated in this pilot exercise.  As DCE will be introduced as an option over the paper CE from 2021, AFUNPI Executive Committee has formed a small support team for assisting members with the DCE process. The team will be coordinated by Mr Victor Emanvel, and will include Ms Magdalene Chand, Mr Srinvasan and Mr Manohar.  Mr Emanvel presented the step by step process for DCE and Ms Chand was requested to circulate copies of DCE Tutorial and FAQs to all members. It was reiterated that members could call upon the team any time for assistance and clarification. Several questions were answered.

COVID-19 Vaccination: Dr Seenappa informed that the Ministry of Health had announced the vaccination programme using COVISHIELD vaccine would commence from mid-March 2021. First phase would focus on frontline health workers and the second phase would include those above 60 years.  Dr Seenappa urged all members of AFUNPI and their families to get vaccinated.

Planned activities and Budget 2021-2022: A budget of Rs. 343,108/- was proposed, reviewed and approved.  Apart from annual activities such as monthly AFUNPI meetings, membership drive, planning and advance costs for the AGM 2022 and paying annual affiliation to FAFICS, substantial activities include the production of a commemorative souvenir for 75 years of the UN., and also the printing of the updated AFUNPI Directory. It was noted that voluntary donations from Mr Janakiram and Dr Seenappa would be used for printing. There was a suggestion to produce a digital copy and circulate. However, considering the potential security risk, it was discussed and finally agreed to be printed.  There was a suggestion made that instead of there being two associations paying annual affiliation to FAFICS, viz. AFUNPI and UNPAI, we should consider having only one, especially since some were members of both.  The President had made it abundantly clear that he was always willing to discuss this with UNPAI.

The Souvenir on UN at 75: Ms Girija Devi and Dr Sreelakshmi Gururaja reviewed various options.  It was mentioned that printing about 40 pages would cost around Rs 60,000 to 70,000.  Voluntary contributions by authors and others could be considered as they would be sharing their experiences. The Executive Committee to review detailed proposal.

While Ms Magdalene Chand thanked Dr Gururaja for presiding and Mr Da Cunha for being the special guest, Dr Seenappa thanked the members of the executive committee, Ms Magdalene Chand, Hon. Secretary., Mr Janakiram President Emeritus, Mr Srinivasan, and Mr Agrawal Vice Presidents and Mr Manohar, Treasurer for their support. The President also thanked all donors for their voluntary contributions.  Special thanks to Ms Girija Devi and Mr R M Manohar for being the rapporteurs.  AFUNPI is grateful to Mr Sachitanand for auditing of the Association’s accounts.

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