Linkages and Resources

FAFICS – Federation of Associations of Former International Civil Servants

FAFICS was founded in 1975 by three associations of former international civil servants, located in Geneva, New York and Rome. AFUNPI, after its formation in 1975, became a fifth member of FAFICS. The Federation aims to bring together member associations of former international civil servants. Its primordial role is to represent, defend and protect the interests of member associations of retirees around the world, particularly on matters of pensions, health insurance and related questions (

AFUNPI has been participating in the annual FAFICS Council meeting since it became a member in 1975.

UNJSPF – United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund

Established in 1949 by the United Nations General Assembly, UNJSPF provides retirement, death, disability, and related benefits for staff of the United Nations and other member organizations. The UN pension plan is a defined benefit plan that is not dependent on the investment return or longevity. (

AFUNPI members have participated in several UNJSPF Board meetings as a representative FAFICs. Following members have participated in these Board meetings as well as its sub-committee meetings.

UNJSPF, on its website, provides an option to register in the Member Self Service (MSS) ( with their nine-digit UID. If you require assistance on MSS, please write to It provides beneficiaries with access to the pension account and allows you to submit forms and documents to the Fund. Most UNJSPF retirees and beneficiaries, by enrolling in MSS, can:

  • track all payments from the Fund as well as After Service Health Insurance premium deductions;
  • access important pension documents;
  • access the PDF of the annual Certificate of Entitlement or CE form, unless they are paid under the two-track system;
  • track whether their returned CE was received by the Fund;
  • access all official UNJSPF forms pre-completed with their name and UID;
  • upload and submit completed, dated, and signed pension forms and supporting documents;
  • update their email address and remailing address on file with the Fund and provide an emergency contact;
  • submit an initial Emergency Fund request in case of severe financial hardship;
  • run an estimate of their entitlement under the two-track option if they retired after 02 August 2015.

UNJSPF Brochure on Separation

Contacting UNJSPF

The only emergency emails in operation are,, and UNJSPF has now introduced a new way of client servicing through the UNJSPF website through If UID is required, send an email to If one already has the Unique Identification (UID), mention it in your email. One can expect an email reply from UNJSPF in two to three days. User-friendly whiteboard videos (YouTube page of UNJSPF) on topics such as separation, two-track option, spouse benefit, etc., are well-integrated and are very useful.

UNJSPF has started a helpline (like a call centre). Currently, these are operational both in New York 00-1-212-963-6931 (9 AM-5 PM New York time) and in Geneva 00-41-22-928-8800 (9 AM to 5 PM Geneva time).

Postal Address: UNJSPF, PO Box 5036, United Nations, NY-101163-5036 USA

Fedex/DHL: UNJSPF, 37th Floor, 1 DHP, 885 Second Ave. NY 10017

Phone: 00-1-212-963693

Digital Certificate of Entitlement (DCE)

Each year, retirees and beneficiaries have to send to the Fund their proof of life and location, the Certificate of Entitlement (CE). Since February 2021, this can be done with the Digital Certificate. Guidance materials on how to enroll in and use the Digital CE app are available on the Digital CE page.

Please note that the Fund will mail the form to you in the month of June every year. If you are not paid under the two-track system, you will also be able to download the CE from your Member Self-Service account. The Fund will announce the mailing of the CE forms on in the website when the process begins.

Assistance could be obtained from the UNJSPF support team – dce@unjspf org or through toll free no. 1(212) 963-6931 and 0008000501571.

Digital CE-Guide 2022

AFUNPI DCE Support Team

Mr. J. Victor Emanvel – Mobile No. 9312053706, Email:

Mr. N. Srinivasan - Mobile No. 9810938829, Email:

Mr. R.M. Manohar - Mobile No. 9902007576, E-mail:

Mrs. Magdalene Chand – Mobile No. 9731315935, E-mail:


After Service Health Insurance (ASHI)

For retirees/beneficiaries who opted for After Service Health Insurance (ASHI), premiums are deducted directly from their monthly pension benefit. As ASHI matters are not handled by the Pension Fund, please contact your employer’s ASHI focal point. If you work for the UN Secretariat, you should direct your query to the email address The ASHI Unit has moved to a service-oriented architecture, and all incoming emails from personal email addresses must be routed through or to be assigned a service request number.

Download the file containing a description of benefits under the UN MIP